Thursday, April 3, 2014

A name to an amazing picture

A name to a face…

In the hours after Zachy passed my friend Kami put on a picture of a little boy walking with Jesus and in the background was a wheelchair.  At the time I think a lot of us (even me) were amazed at how much it looked like Zach, Most even thought it was Zach. It was a YES! moment when we all saw this picture and it  brought so much comfort having a picture match what we were all thinking that Zach was out of his wheelchair, healed and walking with Jesus.  As most of you know we printed out that picture and handed it out at the wake. I have the picture on my refrigerator and look at it every day. It still brings me comfort on those days where the grief is so unspeakable. It says to me Zach is not suffering, he is healed!

Yesterday as I was tooling along on FB someone put a story of a dad writing about the loss of his son and how he was Ok…Not Ok.  I read the article and my heart broke for this family because I knew that feeling and have said the same words.” I’m OK… OK not really” is kinda my saying. Anyhow after I read his blog I went tooling around on it and a picture of his monument popped out at me, on it was a huge picture of the boy walking with Jesus.  My mouth dropped, I finally got to read the story on the boy that brought so much comfort to me and others after Zach’s passing. 

I’m not going to lie after reading it, I was like uh oh. I hope that they were ok with me printing this and using it. There boy Mitchel passed away in March of 2013. He was around the same age as Zach and passed away from Muscular Dystrophy. I was devastated reading about Mitchel, and know exactly what this family was enduring. I wrote to them yesterday and wanted to let them know about how we came across the picture and that I was thankful for their sweet boy. If you want to see their story it’s on FB under Mitchell’s Journey.  The dad has wonderful writings about his sweet, sweet gorgeous son.

2013 was a rough year for both of our families and unfortunately I know there are a lot more kids that passed away just in 2013 that I don’t even know. I hate that, but in some ways so thankful that even though they have no idea that they are comforting me through my grief, that these boys were here to make a difference.

I was going to put the picture on here, but thought better of it. It is an amazing photo, and Mitchel has an amazing family.  These boys are healed walking with Jesus.

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